I wrote this program as an aid in satellite maneuver planning. Many satellites maneuver based on the sun's position so a solar ephemeris is needed to determine attitude targets. Since there might be a few other aerospace (as well as just plain space) nerds out there, I thought I should make the program available to everyone. 'Solar ephemeris generator' will generate sun right ascension and declination accurate to within 0.1° for the specified time span and increment. Knock yourself out.
Note that the program was compiled for machines with the 020 (and above) line using a math co-processor. It will probable crash on 'smaller' machines. I decided to release this version since testing shows the 68000 version to be significantly slower. However, if you need the 68000 version I can recompile the program an make it available (who else - but engineers with IIfx's - is really gonna use this anyway??).
If you do find this program useful for more than idle entertainment please send $7.00 or so. . . It'll make me feel the few weeks of work I put into cleaning up the user interface was worth it.